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The Kelly & Poppa Lou Golf Classic

 Past Champions

The 2009 Champions - Team Reopell - 62 - 10 under par

The 2008 Champions - Team Howe - 61 - 11 under par

The 2007 Champions - Team Gunn - 64 - 8 under par

The 2006 Champions - Team Gunn - 65 - 7 under par

The 2005 Champions - Team Gunn - 64 - 8 under par

The 2004 Champions - Team Whiting - 65 - 7 under par

The 2003 Champions - Team Gunn - 67 - 5 under par

The 2002 Champions - Team Fran Gunn - 66 - 6 under par

The 2001 Champions - Team Howe - 67 - 5 under par

 The 2000 Champions - Team Whiting - 68 - 4 under par





No Photo




The 1999 Champions - Team Pino - 66 - 6 under par

The 1998 Champions - Team Whiting - 65 - 7 under par

The 1997 Champions - Team Whiting - 67 - 5 under par


The 1996 Champions - Team Whiting/Monahan - score unknown


Who will be the next Popppa Lou Champions?

Background photo: "The falls at the 1st hole of Blackhead Mountain Golf Club" taken by Dr. John T. Whiting

2007 © Dr. John T. Whiting
All Rights Reserved

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